Thursday, January 8, 2009

Holiday times....

Three generations. My grandmother, "O", Pierson, and Katie Anderson Avery
Mack and John
Hilda, John's Grandmother with Toddy in hand opening present...

Becca made a good ole feast of a breakfast Christmas morning...since we don't eat till 8 ish as usual. This tided us over....

The old Santa head. I think my grandmother  bought it at the five and dime a 100 years ago. I love it. It's like plastic, but it's not Christmas at O's without it.

Kay instructing Rose on how to work her faux computer....

Monday, October 20, 2008

Lake Caroline Show

My friend Tara who lives at Lake Caroline called and said to me "I know after the Canton Flea Market arts and crafts is the last thing you want to hear, BUT Lake Caroline is having their first show and i want us to do it together." After much trepidation, i decided to give it a try. Other than getting up at 5:30 on a Saturday, I had a pretty good day sales wise and it was relaxed and alot of fun! It was their first annual and i must say, they had some really cool vendors so check it out next year. I am attaching some pics of my friend Tara's faux flower arrangements. She is so good!! Some of these are still for sale so let me know if you are interested and i will give you her contact info. She also does custom floral design. 

I especially love these two arrangements, they would be so awesome on a mantle.

Close up of favorite arrangement

Boards galore...

I really like this one a lot too!
Our booth

Monday, October 13, 2008

We survived!

Well Canton was an experience I will say that. John and I met in Canton after I got off work to setup and somehow managed to stay married...barely....We got the tent up and started hanging signs and the tent looked like it may fold under the weight, but then a nice man came and told us that since we were on a slight incline (of course we were) we should lower the legs on the front of the tent. We did and sure enough it helped a lot. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure  we would have come back Thursday morning and our tent would have been in a pile of boards. The down side is we all hit our heads about 6 times a piece since the entrance to the tent was lower. Ha The other vendors were so nice to us and it really was a cool kinship to share with them. I went to bed about 11:30 Wednesday night and got up at 2:15 am. Picked Sterling up at 3:30 and we were on our was a very long day and i don't know if it was worth the trouble, but it was one of the things on my list to do, to sell my artwork and interact with potential buyers. 
So now I can check that off the bucket list at least. I am now taking Christmas orders and i am filling up fast so let me know if you would like anything asap. Prices will be added soon if you have any questions, please email me at
Thanks for your interest!

My A Wood to the Wise sign
Too dark to be up and at em...

Still too dark to be awake and functioning

Finally, light dawns!!

John's swings!! They are awesome!! $200

Our resolution for the space issue...

The best Staff on the block....ha ha you see how hard they are working.....working
on sipping a screwdriver! Just kidding i couldn't have survived without them!!

Below are some of the new boards. Some have been sold but can be closely replicated. i will try to get prices up tomorrow, but you can email me and ask at

special order for the 70s room
This was a special order for a barbeque princess